K-12 SWP

EducateX uses regional K-12 SWP expertise to help K-12 local educational agencies (LEAs) to fully achieve their K-12 SWP project objectives on time and within budget. 

CTE funding for K-12 schools in California

The K-12 Strong Workforce Program (K-12 SWP) started in California in 2018 to address Career Technical Education (CTE) needs at middle and high schools.

K-12 SWP awards up to $2,000,000 for projects that strengthen career pathways at middle and high schools. Local educational agencies (LEAs) must apply for these funds every year through a competitive grant process.

EducateX helps schools to secure and manage K-12 SWP funds.

In addition to writing competitive project proposals, LEAs must complete quarterly fiscal reporting and annual project reporting. Staffing is often stretched thin, and many LEAs struggle to keep up with reporting requirements.

Maximize your CTE funding

EducateX has experience with all rounds (Rounds 1 through 4) of K-12 SWP, as well as more than 20 years of successful experience with grants and projects.

Ensure the future for your students

Opportunities are growing. Research consistently shows the positive impact of Career Education (CTE) programs in preparing students for high-skill, high-wage careers. Whether they pursue certification immediately after high school or include CTE in their skill set for college, CTE students take useful knowledge and skills with them. CTE has been viewed favorably by business and government in periods of economic downturn.

Legislators showed foresight in designing the K-12 SWP program. K-12 SWP projects can be as long as 30 months, giving schools time to implement their activities and start seeing results. In addition, LEAs can apply for more than one project. Therefore, new funding can overlap with older funding and allow for continual expansion to serve more programs and students.